Dr Jackie Wright
Director / Principal
Jackie Wright is the Director/Principal of Environmental Risk Sciences Pty Ltd. She has more than 30 years’ experience in human health and environmental risk assessment in Australia.
Experience includes the conduct of numerous risk assessments of varying complexity, leading and developing a national risk practice group for a major consultancy, providing professional training and direction, developing technical standards and guidance, developing appropriate risk models, providing peer-review and expert evidence.
Jackie’s expertise includes the following:
- human health and ecological risk assessment
- health impact assessment
- toxicological review and assessment
- assessment of fate and transport of chemicals
- vapour intrusion and vapour mitigation
- indoor air quality and air dispersion modelling
- public health exposures and risks related to clandestine drug manufacture and use
- occupational exposures
- chemicals management
- risk communication
- promotion/education of science and risk based approaches
- chemicals management
- peer-review
- audit support
- expert evidence
- technical writing and editing.
Jackie has been heavily involved in the development of national guidance and investigation levels as presented in the National Environment Protection Measure (NEPM) for Site Contamination (2013), CRC CARE Technical Guidance on Petroleum Vapour Intrusion and Silica-Gel Cleanup, Australian Crime Commission Assessment and Remediation of Clandestine Drug Laboratories (2011) and Australian Voluntary Code of Practice, Assessment, remediation and validation: Former clandestine drug laboratories and other methamphetamine contaminated properties.
Contact Jackie Wright on 0425 206 295 or at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Jackie is also on LinkedIn